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Inspire Creativity in Your Child with Visual Arts

Posted on Mar 10th 2021


Inspire Creativity in Your Child with Visual Arts

Did you know that arts education can improve your child’s self-esteem and help them to become a better student in all subjects? Do you want to encourage your child to develop an interest in the arts, but aren’t sure how to go about it?

Read on to learn more about the importance of visual arts for kids. You’ll also find some tips that will inspire your children’s creativity today.

Benefits of Visual Arts for Kids

From structured art camps to casual arts and crafts time at home, there are lots of reasons to encourage your kids to get creative. Listed below are some of the greatest benefits visual arts have to offer children:

Improved Motor Skill Development

The visual arts are great for improving motor skill development and hand-eye coordination. This is especially true for kids who start creating art at a young age.

Learning how to hold markers, crayons, or a paintbrush are all activities that set kids up to learn how to write, hold utensils, or tie their shoes with ease.

The best art studio for kids in your area is Kidcreate Studios, providing a fun learning atmosphere for all ages.
Easier Self-Expression

From drawing and painting to sculpting and making collages, the visual arts can teach your children new ways to express themselves.

When kids have outlets for self-expression, they have opportunities to gain confidence in themselves and their abilities. They also learn to persevere when faced with challenges.

All of these are essential skills that will carry over into all areas of their lives and help them to be more confident and competent as they get older.

Better Visual Processing and Memory

Creating art, especially when the creation is unstructured, can improve kids’ visual processing and memory, too.

As these skills improve, so does their executive function (working memory, self-control, mental flexibility, etc.). When executive functioning improves, kids can perform better in school, and they’re also set up for more success in the workplace as they age.

How to Inspire Creativity

Okay, you’re convinced that it’s good to share the visual arts with your kids. How do you encourage them, though?

The good news is that you don’t have to build a professional art studio and invest in tons of supplies. There are lots of easy ways to get your kids interested in visual arts, including the following:

Kidcreate is an art studio for kids near you, offering art classes, birthday parties, and more!
Let Them Get Their Hands Dirty

As you may have noticed when reading the benefits of art for kids, a lot of the benefits stem from allowing children to take the reigns and create art in their own way. What this boils down to, basically, is giving your kids the freedom to get their hands dirty.

Try not to micromanage them when introducing them to the visual arts. Let them color outside of the lines, give them a chance to dip their hands in the paint, etc.

Of course, you can still set boundaries so they don’t damage anything (nobody wants to spend an afternoon scrubbing marker off of the walls). However, try to allow for some freedom and flexibility, too. It’ll help your child enjoy and appreciate arts and crafts time, rather than feeling like it’s another task for them to complete.

Expose Them to Art

Another way to encourage a sense of art appreciation is to expose your kids to it often. There are lots of ways to do this, both formal and informal.

You can take your children to art museums, for example, or take them on a tour of the city so they can be introduced to less conventional forms of art, like murals and graffiti.

Remember, you also don’t have to leave the house to share art with your kids. Look up paintings online or in books and ask them which ones are their favorites. Then, ask them if they’d like to try and recreate them.

Purchase Supplies

It’s not necessary to spend a fortune on expensive art supplies for your kids. However, it’s easier to inspire creativity if they have some tools available to them.

The basics, like crayons or markers and some paper, can go a long way. You also can’t go wrong with a package of modeling clay.

A fully stocked art room isn’t required. However, keeping a few supplies on hand will ensure that, when the mood strikes and your child feels the urge to create something, you have the tools to help them do so.

Think Outside of the Box

Don’t forget, they can also create art from objects you have lying around the house. There’s far more to the visual arts than just drawing, coloring, and painting.

For example, you can use some old cardboard boxes and tape to create a playhouse or car. You can also give them a pair of safety scissors, old magazines, and glue to create collages.

Sign Up for Classes

Consider signing our child up for some art classes or an art camp, too. Some kids like receiving a little instruction from a teacher, after all, and classes also give them a chance to create art with their peers.

If it’s not in your budget to pay for classes, or if you don’t have the time to drive them there, try looking up instructional videos on YouTube. They can follow along with someone on the screen and still get the art class experience more cost-effectively.

Get Creative Together

Finally, your kids will be more inclined to do something if they see you doing it, too. If you want them to develop an appreciation for the visual arts, show that you appreciate it as well.

Sit down and color or create sculptures together. If you’re working on a project, invite them to join you. They’ll love getting to spend some quality time with their parent (or parents), and they’ll be creating positive associations with visual arts. What more could you want?

Time to Get Creative

Are you ready to sign your child up for art classes? Do you want to make visual arts a regular part of their life?

If so, keep the tips listed above in mind. They’ll help you inspire creativity and set your kids up for a lifelong love of the arts.

The best art studio for kids in your area is Kidcreate Studios, providing a fun learning atmosphere for all ages.


Making a Mess is the Best!

Kidcreate Studio is an art studio just for kids that offers children's art classes, camps and art-themed birthday parties for children ages 18 months through 12 years. Making a mess is the best at Kidcreate!

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